Tuesday, September 21, 2010

At our pre-departure-training we were warned agaist up's and down's during our volenteering. So far I've been thinking that it might be the case for some volenteers but not for me. The first two months was very exciting. I learned a lot and spend all my time doing things I wanted to do. I still do that but it isn't as exciting anymore. I'm getting use to my work, my badminton isn't improving as fast as it did when I started practicing again, and when I go to a bar with my friends it's like 'been here, done that'.
I also miss the 'old' volenteers. We had a great time together but most of the people who was here from the 'beginning' are gone now. The new volenteers are great but they don't know the city yet and often I show them where we used to have fun but it's not the same without the people I had the fun with.

I might sound a bit depressed but maybe it's just my mood following the shitty weather we have had lately. It's my birthday on thursday and we are going to have a party in the flat. Im really looking forward to it and my lovely flatmates has promesed me a cake :D

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Everyday life


So far I haven't been writing much about my everyday but now I will.

Usually I wake up between 10 and 12 o'clock and check my phone. I Maxim (my coach) has text me about badminton I sleep a bit more and enjoy the morning and then head of to Buicani to play badminton. Otherwise I eat my musli and put on my trainers and go for a run. I have to run to get in good shape before the tournament but despite the fact that it isn't that tempting to wake up and start running it actually feels quite good after the first kilometer. After badminton/running I go to work. Except for to day my work always starts at 3 p.m. My job is to play with the kids in the center which include a lot of ping-pong UNO and four in a row. It's not that challenging but it's close to my home and I only have to be there a few hours a day. Sometimes there is no kids at the center and then me and Aurelia, who is the other volenteer working there, spend some time drinking tea and eating cookies with the other employees. There are two girls working in the office and a singing teacher and a painting teacher. One of them speaks a little english but if she's not there one of the others say somthing that includes 'acasa' which means she wants us to go home. Back home I try to find an easy way to get dinner. Often I go to a resturant with some friends which in many cases are as cheap as cooking yourself. If I'm busy I just eat some bread with cheese and sausage and go do whatever makes me busy. If I don't have any plans for the evening me and my new flatmates cook dinner together. My old flatmates never made dinner together but I think it's a good idea. Then we all get to taste some different food and we can get a good meal more often.

So thats what a noraml day is like.

see you!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Here we go! A lot of new volenteers has arrived lately and those I have meet are all very nice, including my two new flatmates. Unfortunately all the new volenteers are going to on-arrival-training on wednesday and there will only be a few volenteers left here for three days. I wish I could join them and meet all the new volenteers that I haven't already met but I can't :(

Yesterday I met an australian guy called Scott who speaks a little danish because of some exchange he has done some years ago. We where talking about going to Transnistria next weekend which is allmost an independent state in the north of Moldova. I could be nice to go there but nothing is decided yet.

Here in Moldova nobody makes plans for more than a few days ahead. It's abit frustrating somtimes but i'm getting use to it. Later this month i'm going to participate in a badmintontournament for all the best players in Moldova, Ukraine and Romania but nobody knows the date yet because it hasen't been decided. When Maxim (my coach) told me that I didn't believe him at first because in Denmark people would start preparing a big tournament like that a year ahead.
Maxim also told me that I have to train hard to be 100% when the tournament start so I have been runing a lot lately and slowly i'm getting in good shape again.